You don’t have to consult a nutritionist to figure out the best food to keep your kids healthy and strong
A person’s early years is one of the crucial stages in his life because it is the time when their bodies develop brain, physical, and emotional functions. Hence, there is the need to feed children with the right food. Are you a mother who wants to give the kids the best diet that will keep them health and free from sickness? Then you have come to the right place. I will tell you of the benefits of a good diet that is based on the 3 G’s: the go, glow and grow foods.
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Vitamins and minerals are very essential to growing kids that’s why moms have to know the right menu to feed their little ones with. Healthy diets for kids will go a long way if properly practiced because it will make the child free from illnesses no matter how long they play outside in the afternoon. Good food like vegetables and fruits has been proven to develop better bodily functions. On the succeeding paragraphs I will discuss the three main categories of healthy food and their results or effects to the human body.
Go foods, those which are rich in carbohydrates like cereal, rice, pasta and potatoes help us in the physical activities we do everyday like walk, swim, run, type on the computer, drive a car, etc. These food convert to energy so if someone lack go foods in their diet they will be less likely to endure strenuous activities. Children need go foods especially when they go to school because without these foods, they would have a hard time concentrating on their lessons because their brain wouldn’t function as fast as a kid with a well-fed stomach.
Glow foods are food that protect the body from illnesses and also gives off the signs of good health. Examples of glow foods are apples, banana, carrot, tomatoes, etc. Glow foods are comprised of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E and minerals like potassium. These type of foods also shows the signs of good health as they make the skin and hair smoother, some also make the eyes brighter and ‘glowing.’
Grow foods, as the name suggests, makes people grow. These are dairy products like milk, margarine, yogurt, and the protein-rich ones like pork, fish, etc. These foods make the bones and muscles stronger. These foods could help your child run faster and allows him or her to be able to do a lot of other activities.
A little knowledge and investment on the right food will surely do a lot on your kids health. If you wish to know more about the things your child needs for his or her body, be sure to make a further research on the foods they have to eat. Now that you know about the go, glow and grow foods, be sure to apply them and see the good results yourself.
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